24 Jan House Party Magic Review
This morning,
I received a very nice email from a recent booker who’s house party I was asked to attend and entertain the many guests. It was a great night, enjoyed not only by myself but as you will see below, by the host:
“To set the scene, we had just built a beautiful home on the side of a lake, This was our show piece for a life time of toil, to celebrate this we decided to hold a house warming party. This had to be no average party, it had to be one that people would remember. So we searched the web for a magician who could mingle with the guests and amaze them with a bit of close hand magic. The evening was with out a doubt a great success. On the following days, when ever we bumped into our friends who attended I would ask, “so how was the party”?
Now being a shallow person I was really fishing for compliments on our beautiful new home! But oh no – Every one’s first comments were “Great night,- That Magician was Brilliant!!! then go off on a tangent telling us about all the amazing tricks!!! so in reality he was so good he even managed to steal my thunder!
So the real moral of this story is if you want to hold a party to remember, you can save a fortune by not bothering to build a dream home first, just rent Chris for an hour or two!
Best regards
Dominic Findlow”
I couldn’t have asked for a nicer review!
Hiring a house party magician allows you to enjoy the evening. Not having to worry about the enjoyment of your guests is a load off any host’s mind. Not all party magicians are equal either so make sure you ask around friends for recommendations. Also, visit plenty of different house party magician websites and you’ll get a good idea if you like their style, character etc.
So, if you’re after a house party magician (the lake is optional) then book me, Close-Up Chris, a professional close-up magician.