08 Sep Different types of magic
Now, before you get all woo-woo crazy on me, this blog post will NOT cover demonic magic from the dark side, life-and-death magic, or spirit magic to summon the ghost of your white rabbit (who we miss very much).
Of course, any sane adult knows such magical practices belong inside your average JK Rowling novel (Harry Potter fans, hi there) at the very most, and we won’t summon magic demons to terrorize your ex.
Instead, I’ll be shining a light on some of the terms we magicians use for the services we provide in the quest for entertainment bookings. The only spells I’ll be casting around here are those for more magician bookings and removing the phrase “What’s your ick” from society.
Different types of magic
Close-Up Magic
Close-up magic is the go-to entertainment that effortlessly steals the spotlight at parties, corporate events, and weddings. Performed just inches away from your eyes, “close” is an understatement. Your magician will leave you wondering if they’ve got actual superpowers. Using everyday objects—often “borrowed” from unsuspecting guests—these tricks are quick and snappy, perfect for audiences hanging out at tables or gathered in groups of 1-10.
The beauty of close-up magic is that it’s flexible enough to stroll around during drinks receptions or gala dinners, providing spontaneous entertainment where it’s most needed.
Popular close-up magic tricks include card tricks, mind reading tricks, tricks with rings, and tricks with phones.
Thanks to its intimate style, close-up magic elicits reactions that can swing from belly laughs to genuine tears. There is no evil magic here—just good old-fashioned fun. That’s where the real magic happens at social events, and trust me, it’s far from predictable!
Close-up magic isn’t just one thing; it goes by a few fancy names like close-hand magic, roaming magic, strolling magic, and table magic. It’s like a magician’s buffet—pick your flavor! Whether it’s at a table or on the move, these terms all point to the same enchanting experience. Who knew magic had so many aliases?
Stage Magic
When you have a large group of guests you need to entertain simultaneously, step forward the fancy-pants stage magic. Although a stage is not required, the magic performed is often of a larger scale, often using grand illusions that young whipper-snapper David Copperfield is known for.
We’re talking large boxes, incredibly hot assistants being sawn in half and other such sorcery that only the gods of Hogwarts know the secrets to. Of course, it’s all tricky; no actual magical skills are used – just very clever principles of illusion that astound audiences into thunderous applause.
you need to entertain simultaneously
Stage magic can be presented to audiences of 10-10000+, often with a PA system and other stage elements to give it a bit of razzamatazz.
In addition to the grand illusions and dramatic flair, stage magic often incorporates storytelling and audience participation elements, creating an immersive experience that captivates and engages viewers on multiple levels.
Cabaret Magic
I’ll be honest—there’s not much between cabaret magic and stage magic. If anything, cabaret magic tends to be more relaxed and personal, with magicians engaging with their audience on the same level. Also known as parlour magic, it’s performed for groups ranging from 10 to 200 people at a time. When I think of cabaret, I envision late-night fringe events featuring a pianist in the corner, along with various acts like jugglers, burlesque artists, and comedians.
Boy, oh boy, are these cunning folk. Where a magician may look like he knows a few fancy tricks, your mentalist/mind reader steps up the “are we sure he’s not a witch” vibes with the perception that he can read minds and reveal the most intimate of details that only you could know.
One of the most incredible performers who has managed to hoodwink a nation despite insisting that he has no such superpowers is UK-based magician Derren Brown.
UK-based magician Derren Brown is one of the most incredible performers. He has managed to hoodwink a nation into thinking he can read minds despite insisting that he has no such superpowers. The truth is, he’s just a fantastic performer who has created perfectly crafted routines that both the lay public and magic community lap up in equal measure.
A mentalist dazzles you with the illusion of pulling thoughts right out of your head and unveiling the names of your loved ones without you spilling the beans. Sure, it’s all a clever act, built on a few cheeky concepts and “magic systems” that will leave you wondering how you just got played.Boy, oh boy, are these cunning folk.
Pickpocket Magic
Do you really want to be the one with your pants down while everyone else is laughing? I didn’t think so. How about we turn the tables instead—much more entertaining, right?
Enter the pickpocket, a true showman who knows how to steal not just your belongings but the spotlight, too. With a few clever tricks, you’ll be left wondering how your wallet, watch, and phone vanished during what seemed like an innocent card trick. Just when you think you know how it ends, surprise!
A skilled pickpocket may not have magical powers, but they certainly excel at creating a world of comical mishaps for their unwitting “victim,” all while their friends watch in delight, capturing the full story on their phones.
Comedy Magic
This term can definitely apply to the trio of magic: close-up, cabaret, and stage. As a comedy magician myself, I believe there’s no comparison—no magician should take themselves too seriously; there’s already enough gloom in the universe! The best magicians know how to drop jaws while delivering laughs; that’s our true superpower!
Fire Magic
A wise magician once said, if you want to make a trick ten times better, toss in some fire!
It’s certainly a flashy way of introducing an element of shock and danger to proceedings. Close-up magicians often use it to produce an item while carefully avoiding singeing any nearby eyebrows. Styles of magic are often improved with fire.
Escape Magic
Escape artists put themselves in highly dangerous situations in the name of building tension, suspense and eye-popping life insurance quotes. Houdini is your go-to name when it comes to escapology. However, there are way too many disaster stories for me to ever consider swapping my card tricks and witty banter for the thrill of CERTAIN DEATH!
Card Magic
Though it’s often lumped in with close-up magic, card manipulation deserves its own spotlight, thanks to the endless array of techniques and tricks, and let’s be clear, it’s not just about the tricks. There are card jugglers out there who defy reality with jaw-dropping skills, flipping, popping, and spinning cards like it’s no big deal. Who needs magic wands when you can have dexterous fingers, right?
Bizarre Magic
This isn’t exactly my bag of tricks, but hey, different strokes for different folks. This form of entertainment draws from magical realism and horror fiction, giving traditional magic a dark twist. Picture a blend of eerie storytelling and sleight of hand, complete with tarot cards, candles, and skulls—definitely not for the faint of heart! Watching a performer hammer a nail into his head through his nose? That’s not quite the true magic I signed up for.
Street Magic
Ah, the magic craze of the late 90s and 2000s! Thanks to illusionists like David Blaine and Paul Zennon in the UK, street magic took television by storm. Those TV specials were a wild ride, captivating many professional magicians today who owe their passion for magic to those iconic shows. With close-up magic, the public was treated to a feast of astonishing illusions that left audiences bewildered—bringing a whole new meaning to the term “WTF?!”
This phenomenon birthed a legion of close-up magicians eager to replicate the type of reactions Dynamo got when he casually walked on the Thames. But let’s be real—who’s going to break it to him that he wasn’t the first to pull off that particular stunt?
Quick Change Magic
I’ve got to say, quick change acts are a mesmerising spectacle! They’re fast, flashy, and utterly impressive. These artists possess a skill that’s the envy of anyone trying to pick out an outfit – effortlessly switching looks in mere seconds. The production value is through the roof with dazzling lights, catchy music, and jaw-dropping tricks. In recent years, talent shows like AGT have showcased a plethora of these acts, proving that rapid transformations are a crowd favourite.
Hypnosis & Magic
Often paired with mentalism, hypnosis is a fascinating form of entertainment that’s a thrill to witness live. I once found myself on stage during a hypnosis show, where I willingly joined others in a spectacle of ridiculousness that had the audience in stitches. I can’t explain why I clucked like a chicken or danced to a bizarre version of Barbieworld, but hey, at least I gave them a show! Cluck cluck!
Kids’ Magic:
We’re all big kids when it comes to magic! Children’s magic is often performed for children ages 3-9. It’s colourful, simple to follow, and fun.
Coin Magic
In a cashless society, coin magicians who have meticulously honed their matrix routines are starting to sweat a little! As the title implies, this is all about conjuring coins—making them appear, vanish, morph, and switch—often part of close-up magic sets.
Digital Magic
Magicians are all about the latest trends, and let’s face it, everyone’s glued to their phones these days. The tech tricks out there are downright mind-boggling! Seamlessly blending into the world of close-up magic, your digital magician will combine sleight of hand with social media, augmented reality, and whatever else gets those reactions faster than you can ask, “Is this your card?”
Different types of magic
While this overview of the various types of magic in entertainment isn’t the final word on the subject, it should give you a solid starting point for Googling the right terms to find a magician for your event.
About Close-Up Chris
If you’re aiming for an evening that delivers equal doses of “OMG” and “WTF,” look no further—I’m Close-Up Chris, your professional close-up magician. With over 25 years in the magic biz, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve to elevate your next big event. No real magic powers, capes or rabbits in hats here—just pure, unadulterated, good old-fashioned fun!
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